Friday, November 19, 2021

Gynecomastia Surgery To Get a Masculine Chest

Gynecomastia is characterized by the over-development of breast tissue and fat in males. Both males and females have glands in their breasts, and in females, these glands are usually noticeable and well-developed, whereas, in males, they are small and undeveloped. Gynecomastia is a distressful health disorder only found in males wherein there is a development of excess breast tissue. There is inflammation of the breast glands, and they become enlarged in shape. This benign condition can lower self-confidence and cause emotional and physical discomfort and interfere with one's social life. 

Gynecomastia surgery is the surgical fix to correct the enlarged breast tissues in males, and this treatment removes excess breast tissue and adipose tissue (fat) that contributes to enlarged breast tissues and result in a stronger and masculine chest appearance. 

The plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics is dedicated to provide safe and result-driven transformation to males suffering from gynecomastia. Dr Shilpi Bhadani, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Gurgaon, customizes gynecomastia surgery according to one’s specific need to deliver results to her patients. 

Causative factors those are responsible for causing gynecomastia:

The main cause of gynecomastia is hormonal imbalance, i.e., lowering of testosterone level as compared to estrogen. Men and women have two sex hormones, i.e., estrogen and testosterone, with a difference in their levels (i.e., males have more testosterone and females of estrogen, which determine their secondary sexual characteristics such as breast size).

Other reasons include:

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Obesity

  • Genetics

  • Failure of kidney and liver

  • Normal aging

  • Nutritional deficiency

  • Consumption of alcohol, marijuana, methadone, or amphetamines.

  • Hypogonadism

  • Some medicines such as anti-androgen medications, steroids, antibiotics, AIDS medications, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medicines, heart-related medications, and cancer therapies. 

Gynecomastia surgery:

Gynecomastia can cause significant self-esteem issues in males. The best candidates for male breast reduction surgery are those who feel insecure about their appearance and want to correct it through surgical means. The expanded breast tissue of male individuals can be reduced by the removal of the additional fat and glandular tissue. The patient can get back masculine chest which is flatter and firm by gynecomastia surgery. Surgery is performed when other medical interventions, i.e., getting an insight into the potential causes of gynecomastia, are not helpful in its treatment. 

The surgeon performs the gynecomastia surgery as follows:

  • In the first step the patient is given general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. 

  • Chest contouring is done to restore the normal breast of males by either the liposuction method via making small incisions (made close to nipples or armpits) to take out excess fat or surgical removal of the glandular tissue (near to the crease made underneath the breast or areola). Sometimes, both surgical methods can be carried out depending upon the extent of the gynecomastia condition.

  • The small cuts made for surgery are then closed by stitches to prevent infection. The procedure lasts for about one to two hours, after which the patient can go home.

  • For recovery after surgery, compression garments can be used to reduce the level of discomfort or swelling. It helps in skin retraction and prevents the build-up of fluids inside.

  • If the cause of gynecomastia is loose skin, then extensive tissue removal is performed. An incision is made around the areola to conceal the resulting scar.

  • This is an outpatient procedure, and the patient can go home on the same day after the surgery.

  • The incisions made during the gynecomastia surgery are nearly invisible once they are healed.

  • The extent of the recovery period will vary slightly depending on the surgical techniques performed. The males undergoing liposuction can return to work after 2-3 days of the surgery, and males who undergo tissue excision may require a few additional days.

During the recovery phase, the patient must avoid strenuous activities, and heavy weight lifting should be avoided for four to eight weeks.

Benefits of gynecomastia surgery:

  • The patient is able to achieve a masculine, defined, and flat chest appearance.

  • There is a boost to self-esteem and self-confidence as the person can go without a shirt while swimming or can also wear their favourite outfit.

  • The overall figure of the male body is improved. Thus, individuals can continue to go with fashion and try different clothing.

  • Male individuals can take part in physical activities that involve jumping or running, which were earlier painful and not comfortable due to the chest's unwanted movement.

  • The patient has curved or disfigured spine leading due to improper body posture in gynecomastia condition. This can be improved by making the size and shape of the chest normal, which also prevents back pain and the formation of a hump on the back. 

  • This surgery offers long-lasting results.

  • It helps one achieve a healthier body weight.

  • It is a comfortable procedure as the person does not feel any pain during the surgery. 

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Gurgaon is determined based on various factors like the type of procedure performed, patient age, surgeon experience, anesthesia cost, and operating room charges. To schedule a consultation with Dr Shilpi Bhadani for Gynecomastia Surgery in Gurgaon, give a call today at + 91 8130134693 or visit at SB Aesthetics, Gurgaon. 


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Best Anti-Aging Facelift Surgery

Facelift surgery or Rhytidectomy is a cosmetic anti-aging procedure that helps to rejuvenate the facial appearance by reversing signs of aging and a provide youthful and tighter appearance. Ideal candidates for this procedure are people who are suffering from extreme facial sagging skin, falling in the age group of 40 to 60 years and are in a relatively good state of health. The surgery must be carried out by a cosmetic surgeon who is an expert in performing facelift surgeries for achieving safe outcomes. 

Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is an experienced and famous facelift surgeon in Gurgaon practicing at SB Aesthetics and is an expert in performing anti-aging face and neck lift surgeries. She has helped many patients from all over the world to achieve a youthful look with face lift surgeries. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani also combines other complementary procedures like brow lift, neck lift, blepharoplasty (an eyelid lift), and facial fat grafting to deliver the best outcomes.

How to prepare for facelift surgery in Gurgaon?

Initially, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, best cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon reviews the patient’s medical history, carries out a facial examination, and discusses their expectations. The patients are advised to discontinue the use of blood thinners, quit smoking, avoid eating few hours before the surgery and keep themselves hydrated. 

How is facelift surgery performed?

The facelift procedure involves the following steps:

Providing anesthesia: In the first step the patient is administered with general anesthesia so that they feel comfortable throughout the procedure. 

Make incisions: Then based on the degree of changes that the person would like to see for his/her face, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, plastic surgeon in Gurgaon performs traditional facelift surgery, less-invasive mini facelift, or a neck lift. During the traditional facelift surgery, an incision is made starting at the temples in the hairline, curving around the ears to end in the lower scalp. In mini facelifts, short incisions are made at the temples that end around the ear. For a neck lift, the incision usually begins from the front of the ear lobe, encloses the ear, and ends behind the ear at the posterior hair. 

Face lifting: After cutting, the skin is separated from the underlying fat and muscles. If there is excess fat, liposuction is carried out to break fat cells and remove them with vacuum suction. The tissues lying underneath the skin (i.e., superficial musculoaponeurotic system) are folded to tighten the sagging skin and provide distinct and proper jawline and cheeks definition. Fat removed from the neck, jowls, or face is sculpted or repositioned. The excess facial skin is trimmed and red raped strategically to deliver best outcomes. 

Close incisions: The cuts made in the skin are closed either with staples that are required to be removed after it heals or by using dissolvable sutures. Skin incisions can also be sealed using skin glues. After healing of the treated site, the scars get well concealed with the natural hairline and in the natural contours of the ear and the face. 

Visualize the results: After the surgery, when the bruising and swelling subsides, the person can notice improvements in the facial skin appearance. The face appears more youthful and refreshing and the results may be expected to last up to 10 years.

Facelift surgery works effectively for resolving multiple signs of aging, that includes-

Sagging or loose skin around the midface, jawline, or neck

Misplaced or loose facial fat and volume

Remove deep creases formed under the eyelids

Skin folds or creases formed along the nose side and extending to the corners of the mouth (called nasolabial folds)

Excess skin at the jowls

Lines extending from the mouth corners to the chin (called marionette lines)

Double chin caused due to fatty deposits under the chin area

Note: The cost of facelift surgery in Gurgaon depends on certain factors like the patent age, gender, severity of skin drooping, type of surgeries performed, and also on the surgeon's experience.

Benefits of undergoing facelift surgery:

Facelift surgery offers many benefits such as:

Facelift surgery can be performed irrespective of gender. Not only females, males in good health with wrinkles or sagging facial skin can also reap the same benefits. At SB Aesthetics, plastic and cosmetic surgery clinic in Gurgaon, India, all types of facelift and anti-aging face surgeries are performed that help one to achieve better outcomes.

The scars resulting from facelift surgery remains virtually invisible as it gets hidden along the hairline or behind the ear.

Modern, less-invasive procedures for facelift surgery that involves small incisions are associated with manageable downtime. After about two weeks of surgery, people can resume their daily routine or work with a presentable face. To know more about this technique, meet best anti-aging surgeon in Gurgaon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. 

It provides natural-looking results. As the focus lies not only on the tightening of the facial skin but also on the repositioning of the underlying tissues or muscles and sculpting of fats, it creates natural-looking, youthful facial contours.

The patient can enjoy about 7-10 years of their youthful and radiant-looking skin with proper skincare and lifestyle choices. 

Want to get a youthful looking face?

Meet the best facelift surgeon at SB Aesthetics, best facelift surgery clinic in Gurgaon, India.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Best Cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon

Cosmetic surgery is a discipline of medicine that is focused on enhancing the appearance of an individual through medical and surgical techniques. Cosmetic surgeries are performed to correct an individual's aesthetic appeal and can be performed on all areas of the body, face, neck, and head. The results of various cosmetic surgeries are often permanent, and hence, one should consider undergoing any cosmetic surgery after proper consultation with an expert. One can get treatment from the best cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics, which is founded by Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is a reputed expert in plastic surgery with a specialization in aesthetic and cosmetic surgery of the face and body. Cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, chest reshaping, tummy tuck surgeries, mommy makeover, lip reduction, eyelid surgery, surgical and non-surgical facelift procedures, rhinoplasty, gynecomastia, and many more are available at SB Aesthetics in Gurgaon. The clinic is well equipped with modern technologies and has trained practitioners to provide a safe and world-class medical experience. Visit SB Aesthetics, the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon, to benefit from various plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures.

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Best Cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon

 Cosmetic surgery is a discipline of medicine that is focused on enhancing the appearance of an individual through medical and surgical techniques. Cosmetic surgeries are performed to correct an individual's aesthetic appeal and can be performed on all areas of the body, face, neck, and head. The results of various cosmetic surgeries are often permanent, and hence, one should consider undergoing any cosmetic surgery after proper consultation with an expert. One can get treatment from the best cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics, which is founded by Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is a reputed expert in plastic surgery with a specialization in aesthetic and cosmetic surgery of the face and body. Cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, chest reshaping, tummy tuck surgeries, mommy makeover, lip reduction, eyelid surgery, surgical and non-surgical facelift procedures, rhinoplasty, gynecomastia, and many more are available at SB Aesthetics in Gurgaon. The clinic is well equipped with modern technologies and has trained practitioners to provide a safe and world-class medical experience. Visit SB Aesthetics, the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon, to benefit from various plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures.

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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Top benefits of laser hair removal procedure

 Unwanted dark and coarse body hair is a major concern for both men and women. Unwanted body hair can appear on the face, hands, under arms, legs, chest, bikini line, and pubic area. Various traditional hair removal methods such as waxing, plucking, tweezing, threading, etc. are opted by people to get rid of the unwanted hair. However, the results offered by these treatments are not long-lasting and demand to be re-done periodically. Besides this, the conventional hair removal methods also result in ingrown hair, razor bumps, itching skin, and rashes.

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Top benefits of laser hair removal procedure

 Unwanted dark and coarse body hair is a major concern for both men and women. Unwanted body hair can appear on the face, hands, under arms, legs, chest, bikini line, and pubic area. Various traditional hair removal methods such as waxing, plucking, tweezing, threading, etc. are opted by people to get rid of the unwanted hair. However, the results offered by these treatments are not long-lasting and demand to be re-done periodically. Besides this, the conventional hair removal methods also result in ingrown hair, razor bumps, itching skin, and rashes.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon


SB Aesthetics is one of the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon that provides with advanced and world-class cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is an experienced and trusted cosmetic surgeon who provides quality treatments and services to her patients. One can avail the benefits of liposuction, abdominoplasty, breast lift, hair transplantation, rhinoplasty, gynecomastia, facelift, body lift, otoplasty, and many other cosmetic procedures at SB Aesthetics. For safe, effective, and successful results, visit today!

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